

Wednesday October 9, 2024

Missions · Reaching the World for Christ


Trinity Church is involved around the world. We invest in men and women who have God’s call to reach new people, to equip them as disciples to follow Christ, and to plant and grow multiplying churches for His glory. (Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8, 2 Tim 2:2)


Our aim is to grow the church in knowledge of world needs and develop hearts to reach new people for Christ and to build multiplying disciples here at home and around the globe.

Matthew 9: 36-38 reveals Christ’s compassion for those who are harassed and helpless, downcast and distressed; He tells us to pray for workers for the fields are white, ready for harvest. It is our prayer that our church will have Christ’s heart for the lost and will go, pray, and give.


And seeing the multitude, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.Matthew 9:36-38


For new workers to be raised up and go to the field

For how you can be involved

For our ten missionaries (for security reasons not named):

Their walks with God to be fresh and meaningful

Effectiveness for God’s kingdom and in reaching the lost

Harmony and one-mindedness with their spouse and teammates

Provision for all their needs

Safety and good health

Full financial support

If you would like to receive direct updates or adopt one of our missionaries and pray daily for them or even support them financially email us at missions@mytrinity.tv We can answer questions you may have.

ADDITIONAL PRAYER OPTIONS FOR MISSIONS include Trinity Church’s prayer rooms which have additional resources; www.persecution.com and https://joshuaproject.net/ also give current world events regarding mission related needs for prayer.


Roger & Nancy Bowers | Basque Region, France

God has been opening doors to who we never dreamed would be open to the Gospel!  Luke, a man who has lived alone for years, is showing interest in meeting with us. Please pray he takes the next step and joins our Bible study. Pascal, a friendly acquaintance from the gym, recently reconnected with us. We had a long conversation, exchanged contact information, and invited him to church—pray that God moves in his heart.

Pray also for our new teammates, Tom and Patty, as they seek funding to join us, and for two American couples exploring ministry in the Basque region.

With rising costs affecting our ministry budget, we trust in God's provision and are grateful for Trinity Church and our faithful partners. We will address this shortfall during our home assignment this summer.

Finally, our "Pray for the Basque" initiative begins again—seven Saturdays of prayer across the region leading up to Easter. If you’d like to receive updates, email us to join our newsletter list. Pray for unity, church growth, and open hearts to the Gospel!

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